Yongin Severance Hospital – Korea
Hanwha Vision’s video surveillance solution enables ‘Yongin Severance Hospital’ to bolster future healthcare services

“With the largely improved user convenience and operational efficiency, we are highly satisfied with the ability to seamlessly operate our systems despite its large-scale. Hanwha Vision’s video security solution is also proving to be useful in identifying the movements of patients who tested positive after being tested at the COVID-19 screening centers. We’re also pleased to be able to provide confidence with reliable medical service with the introduction of a patient-friendly and customer-centric video security system” – Yongin Severance Hospital Facility Team Official
♦ Challenge
Yonsei Medical School’s Yongin Severance Hospital, which was newly opened in March 2020, is located in Yongin, Gyeonggi Province. The hospital was built to have 13 floors above ground and 4 basement floors and hold 708 beds. It operates 33 medical departments including internal medicine and surgery, and specialized centers such as cardiovascular center, degenerative brain disease center, and digital medical industry center, providing the best medical services.
To become the medical hub of the Asia region with excellent staffs and top-notch environment as well as reinforce future medical services, the hospital needed the latest video security solution. Considering the size of the large hospital, it discussed various aspects of the new system. It became more apparent that the hospital needed the video security solution that would enhance operational efficiency for managers, provide ease-of-use to users, and most of all, protect personal information and assets with careful consideration of patient and customer needs.
♦ Solution
Yongin Severance Hospital has decided to deploy Hanhwa Techwin’s video security solution that meets all its requirements for surveillance efficiency, user convenience, and protection for customer privacy and assets. The hospital installed approximately 720 Hanhwa Techwin products including video security cameras, recorders, monitors, and decoders in various locations both inside and outside of the hospital. It also adopted the video surveillance system Wisenet SSM.
First, in the integrated video surveillance center, they could intuitively check the video transferred from the cameras installed around the hospital and manage and operate events more efficiently. NVR(PRP-5000H16) recording server with Wisenet SSM pre-installed enabled them to efficiently operate and manage video data received from the cameras in an integrated system. The camera video was sent to the monitor through decoder (SPD-1660R), making them to check the video on the monitor screen. To constitute ‘Video Wall System’ and check the site in real-time at one glance, they have installed around 20 Full HD monitors (SMT-5510) on one side of the wall. Also, if the network is unstable or disconnected, it immediately sends several alarms by numbers to the PC monitor to show how many products have communication problems at that time. Managers can check the alarms and respond quickly for more stable operation without any loss of video data.
They also installed Wisenet X series cameras (XND-6080R, XND-6020R), monitors, and decoders (SPD-151) in nurses offices in wards and filming rooms including MRI rooms. The compact small-sized decoder, attached to the back of the monitor on the ceiling, and supporting easy connection with HDMI, made it simple and easy for users to install and manage. The camera covered the hallway or the inside of filming room, allowing medical staffs to check the patient’s situation in real-time without having to visit the site in person. With Hanwha Vision’s solution, it became possible to respond quickly to safety accidents that can occur to patients like falling accident or a collapse due to ill health.
Furthermore, the solution showed special consideration of patients and customers. The hospital completely separated medical video data recorded at sites such as emergency rooms and operating rooms, where major medical activities are performed, from the other general video data and system. It strengthened security by prohibiting unauthorized users from accessing or leaking personal information.

When a patient visits the office for medical counseling, the official will notify the patient that the contents of the consultation can be recorded for medical records and ask whether they agree to provide personal information. If the patient agrees, the official will press a button installed at the consultation desk and the camera will start recording with the speaker on the ceiling notifying that the “recording will begin”. When the session ends, the video recording will end with another audio guidance. Recorded videos and audios are transmitted to Wisenet SSM with robust security features through which it will be managed and operated.

In particular, the hospital deployed a specially designed customized solution at the funeral hall to ensure the safety of customers and visitors and to protect customer assets by preventing theft cases. It installed Hanwha Vision camera at the entrance of each room that showed the hallway and the condolence booth. Through the monitor on ceiling connected to the camera with HDMI, chief mourner could see the area in real-time. This allowed the chief mourner to take a break when there were no visitors and alleviate worries about theft and loss.
♦ Result
An official from the facility team at Yongin Severance Hospital said, “Hanwha Vision’s video security solution enabled us to thoroughly monitor the latest hospital facilities and medical environment, thereby securing the safety of various spaces in the hospital,” and added, “We’re delighted to operate seamlessly despite the large-scale system with improved user convenience and operational efficiency. We also use Hanwha Vision’s video security solution to identify the movements of the confirmed patients, who visited the screening clinic due to COVID-19. We are also pleased to be able to provide reliable medical services by establishing a customer-centered video security system that puts patients on higher priority.”