Hanwha Techwin to Host ONVIF Developers’ Plugfest & F2F Technical Meeting
Hanwha Techwin to Host ONVIF Developers’ Plugfest & F2F Technical Meeting
“WE MOVE with trust”
Video surveillance specialists Hanwha Techwin will be hosting the 17th ONVIF Developers Plugfest taking place in The Plaza Hotel, Seoul, South Korea on 8th – 10th November 2017.
As a ‘Local Sponsor’, Hanwha Techwin will be supporting the opportunity for manufacturers participating in the Plugfest to test their devices for conformance to the ONVIF standard. This will include simulating real-life scenarios in order to assess the level of interoperability of different manufacturers’ devices operating simultaneously as part of a single system.
ONVIF is a non-profit, leading global standardisation initiative for IP-based physical security products which was founded in 2008. Its members include manufacturers, systems integrators, end users, members of the security media, specifiers and other security professionals. With integrated systems increasingly involving solutions from multiple manufacturers, ONVIF’s Plugfest events are important to the electronic security industry as they bring together technical experts in order to test device compatibility and agree up-to-date industrial standardisation of interfaces.
During the Plugfest, around 20 global video surveillance and physical access control manufacturers will carry out peer-to-peer tests of devices and clients both under development and finalized, to see how well they interact with each other. This is to enable any limitations to be identified before a product is launched. Hanwha Techwin will be taking the opportunity to test its cameras, recorders, and Smart Security Manager (SSM) software platform to ensure compatibility with other manufacturers’ products.
F2F Technical Meeting
Hanwha Techwin will be hosting the F2F (Face-to-Face) technical meeting from 13th – 16th November which follows on from the Plugfest. F2F Technical Meeting session focusses on the development of profiles and specifications including conformance and the ONVIF Test Tools. It is performed after the engineers’ testing session, and ONVIF Full and Contributing members are invited to this meeting.
Hanwha Techwin has been a full member of ONVIF since 2009 and has actively participated in activities such as forums to build industrial standardisation. The 17th Developers Plugfest is particularly significant to the company as its Senior Engineer, Sujith Raman, has been recognised for his contribution to the development of ONVIF protocol development and he has been recently elected with honour to the organisation’s technical committee.
A spokesperson for Hanwha Techwin said: “In hosting the Plugfest and F2F events, we are delighted to be able to demonstrate our support for ONVIF’s objectives. We are committed to the process of the mutual exchange of technical knowledge with other members. We will share, listen, talk and grow together with our global partners for the benefit of our mutual customers.”

▲ Hanwha Techwin to Host ONVIF Developers’ Plugfest & F2F Technical Meeting