Compliance Program

Practicing compliance management
Corporate management today faces diverse factors that impact the business environment. Among these factors are heightened domestic and foreign legal regulations with an increasing demand for social vigilance and corporate social responsibilities. In light of this, Hanwha Vision has announced its company-wide “Compliance Management Principles” and has also instituted the compliance program (CP) for sustainable and fair management activities. Hanwha Vision has established comprehensive and methodical compliance support systems and formed independent organizations to ensure autonomous observance of the applicable laws and regulations.
These initiatives include appointing compliance officers, implementing compliance control guidelines, and commissioning a compliance committee. Hanwha Vision also engages in regular diagnosis, education, publicity, and assessment of its business practices. These efforts include offering compliance education for all employees, custom-tailored education, and compliance consulting. As a result of these initiatives and efforts, our employees have developed a culture of compliance, thereby collectively fulfilling our responsibility as a global company that is trusted by its customers, shareholders, and society.

Compliance Week
Hanwha Vision constantly develops the various experience programs for employees every year, such as Compliance week, Compliance executor’s day etc which helps to every employees could approach the compliance activities easily, also accept it need for work and daily life, and learn it to natural culture.

Compliance committee
Compliance committee is be made up with top executives as CEO, Business Unit Manager, Director, etc. Every half year, reported current condition of operation through periodical conference, and Compliance committee is the top of legislative organization which decides the regulation enactment of law observance, rewards to outstanding executor and also restrains violator.

Compliance education for the employees
Hanwha Vision improved all compliance consciousness to all employees, and also performing diverse prevention activities beforehand for to do not infringe. Especially, Hanwha Vision providing the opportunity for all employees to acquire knowledge of law from various hierarchical and sectoral education such as executive compliance education, all employee basic education, new/career employee orientation education, preferment education, eye level education, etc.